Why Learn Jitsu?

At Western Warriors Martial Arts we practice a style called Shorinji Kan Jujitsu (sometimes spelt ju jitsu or jiu jitsu), known simply by us as Jitsu.

Jitsu is a martial art based on the traditional styles of Jiu Jitsu that originated and developed in medieval Japan. The core of the art comprises a system of throws,
joint locks and strikes with and without weapons. Based on the principal of using an aggressor's energy to their own disadvantage, Jitsu skills can be used by men, women and children to counter aggressive situations ranging from unwanted harassment to armed physical assault.

Jitsu is a progressive martial art that offers a means of personal and physical development, as well as an effective system of self-defence. Regular training can help to improve strength, fitness, flexibility, co-ordination and posture. Moreover, most people find over time that Jitsu improves their self-esteem and self-confidence. Advanced training levels are highly challenging and foster exceptional levels of physical and mental control. Jitsu training is also great fun and a fantastic way to meet new friends.